
Folkest 2021
giovanni giustoGIOVANNI GIUSTOGIOVANNI GIUSTO Musicista, regista, attore, ha all’attivo dieci dischi come cantautore e altrettanti come paroliere e compositore per vari artisti, allestimenti teatrali, di danza, opera, teatro canzone, reading letterario. Come direttore artistico del Teatro dei Pazzi di San Donà di Piave (Ve) ha curato molti eventi e rassegne per Comuni, Regione, istituzioni pubbliche e private. […]
schultz revelFRIEDERIKE SCHULZ & BERNARD REVELFRIEDERIKE SCHULZ & BERNARD REVEL Guitarist and lutenist, pupil of Eugen Dombois and Hopkinson Smith, Bernard Revel founded with Friederike Schulz the Ensemble Convivencia. He was Director of the artistic residence at the Abbey of Caunes Minervois (Aude) from 1989 to 1993, fascinating Marcel Dadi himself for his guitar playing. Moved to Strasbourg in '93 […]
4Ways Road Spilimbergo Folkest20214WAYS ROAD4WAYS ROAD It’s hard to imagine how two beautiful, young and good musicians, both named Federica, agreed to play with two old goats like Andrea Del Favero and Alberto Grollo. The result is an interesting patchwork in which their personal musical tendencies converge, ranging from classical to jazz and from world music to country-blues. Violin […]
wooden legsWOODEN LEGSWOODEN LEGS Group formed by five musicians based in Trieste, boasts a ten-year experience with numerous tours in Italy and abroad. Their repertoire ranges from traditional ballads, to sets of jigs and reels, up to original compositions in the particular and sometimes unexpected style of the formation. They have recently released their third studio album, […]
violoncelli itineranti ana pilatVIOLONCELLI ITINERANTI FT. ANA PILATVIOLONCELLI ITINERANTI FT. ANA PILAT Violoncelli Itineranti is a constantly evolving open group composed of three to twelve instrumentalists, students and orchestra professors, whose aim is to promote the cello in a non-traditional context. They prefer modern original music, Latin American music, jazz and improvisation. With the group collaborates the singer Ana Pilat, who brought […]
vincenzo zitelloVINCELLO ZITELLOVINCELLO ZITELLO The first popularizer and pioneer of the Celtic harp in Italy since 1977 he has dedicated himself to its study, then developing his own very personal approach to the instrument. Authentic leader of the European school, he had the opportunity to present his Ave Maria together with Rossana Casale, Franco Parravicini and Federico […]
SUREALISTASSUREALISTAS In their veins flow Argentina and Sicily, Pisa and Livorno… And even a pinch of Bosnia. Their hearts beat to the rhythm of Afro-American clubs, between cumbia and son, MPB and bossanova… among many dreams theirs was born, populated by original songs and at the same time rooted in the South American tradition. Keeping […]
still lifeSTILL LIFESTILL LIFE Still Life is an original musical project, based in Barcelona: a violin connected to a PC, with pedals, cables, effects, loops and a magical voice. They have two albums to their credit, with lyrics related to nature and primordial emotions, with the intention of sharing a message of hope, in the expression Still […]
Silvio Trotta canta Branduardi Auronzo di Cadore Folkest2021SILVIO TROTTA CANTA BRANDUARDISILVIO TROTTA CANTA BRANDUARDI Confessioni di un musicante is the metabolized reinterpretation of Angelo Branduardi’s music by Silvio Trotta, a musician who has always been interested in the repertoires of the great Italian singer-songwriter, in which he traces and recognizes his own great passions: Italian popular music, northern European sounds and ancient music with a […]
Roberto Lucanero TrioROBERTO LUCANERO TRIOROBERTO LUCANERO TRIO The trio is my favorite musical workshop. My companions and I start from the knowledge and, where necessary, from the reconstruction and revitalization of the traditional culture of my land, the Marche; at the same time we operate in such a way that this traditional culture, after having regenerated itself, takes on […]
robert vatovec big bandROBERT VATOVEC BIG BANDROBERT VATOVEC BIG BAND Robert Vatovec’s Big Band is built around the leader, pianist, keyboardist and arranger, and singer Vivjana Babič Martucci. It was one of the first of its kind in Istria and paved the way for other similar groups on the coast. Founded in 2003, it has collaborated, among others, with Slavko Ivančić, […]
Nema Problema Artegna Folkest2021NEMA PROBLEMANEMA PROBLEMA Composizioni originali e musiche tradizionali cultura balcaniche, klezmer, jazz, rock, caraibica, confluiscono in un repertorio ricco di groove. Ispirati alle fanfare serbe, riprendendo i temi popolari dell’area. Hanno partecipato per due volte alla competizione per orchestre a fiati del Festival di Guča  dove sono arrivati terzi classificati e insigniti del premio speciale del pubblico. Durante l’Expo 2015 […]
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