
Folkest 2021
Paolo Bonfanti e Martino Coppo Polcenigo Folkest2021PAOLO BONFANTI E MARTINO COPPOPAOLO BONFANTI E MARTINO COPPO It was 1985 when Paolo Bonfanti was contacted for the first time by one of the leading groups of European bluegrass, Red Wine, to temporarily replace a flatpicking acoustic guitar virtuoso like Beppe Gambetta, who in the meantime had embarked on a solo career. Since then, Paolo Bonfanti and Martino […]
Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare Udine Folkest2021NUOVA COMPAGNIA DI CANTO POPOLARENUOVA COMPAGNIA DI CANTO POPOLARE The Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare was born in 1970: the extraordinary success that the group obtained at the Spoleto Festival marked its international launch. Since then, the NCCP has repeatedly participated in all the most important festivals in Europe and overseas, alternating musical and theatrical activities, participating in numerous […]
musica spicciaMUSICA SPICCIAMUSICA SPICCIA From a music school comes this curious and unique group project for all terrains, from the stage, to the street, to the tavern: twenty wild musicians of all ages. An orchestra of strings, wind instruments, accordions, strings and percussion instruments, made up of elements of all ages directed by the original baton of […]
motus laevusMOTUS LAEVUSMOTUS LAEVUS Motus Laevus in Latin has many meanings and interpretations: literally translated in reverse motion can also mean counterclockwise or left-handed motion, everything and the opposite of everything, a world without boundaries. In the Motus Laevus project, sounds and musical languages of ancient and modern instruments, acoustic and electric, original and traditional pieces coexist […]
Mortimer Mc Grave Folkest2021MORTIMER MCGRAVEMORTIMER MCGRAVE We were born warriors and we didn’t realize it, say the members of the group. In short, to be warriors you had to be rebels against the social order, against unchangeable traditions and established powers. As children it’s easy, but as adults… As adults, when everyone looks at you wrong or makes you […]
pirona andreuttiMICHELE PIRONA E STEFANO ANDREUTTIMICHELE PIRONA E STEFANO ANDREUTTI Michele Pirona, son of art, plays classical, acoustic and electric guitar passing through many musical genres. He teaches music and works as a session player, playing also with Chris Slade (drummer of AC/DC, Tom Jones, Jimmy Page, Dave Gilmour), Andrea Braido, James Thompson, Bobby Solo. His latest work is Point […]
michele ascoleseMICHELE ASCOLESEMICHELE ASCOLESE Michele Ascolese is one of the best known guitarists in the Italian music circuit for technique, feeling and important collaborations. He studied guitar as a self-taught and already at the age of twenty he was a music professional. After performing in the early years of his career with Enrico Rava, Mandrake, Lilian Terry, […]
mesudìMESUDÌMESUDÌ Tre voci mediterranee che s’intrecciano in vari modi, appoggiate da un sapiente gioco di percussioni. Mesudì nasce dall’incontro tra il trio vocale ideato dalla cantante Elisa Surace e il percussionista Simone Pulvano. Tra una chiacchiera e un calice di vino, la polifonia classica ha conosciuto la tradizione orale del centro e sud Italia, il canto […]
le ormeLE ORMELE ORME In 1966 the first nucleus of Le Orme was formed in Marghera (VE) and recorded their first 45 rpm, followed shortly by the second Senti l’estate che torna and the first album, Ad Gloriam. They become later a trio, with Aldo Tagliapietra on bass and vocals, Tony Pagliuca on keyboards and Michi Dei […]
kujacousticKUJACOUSTICKUJACOUSTIC Put three virtuosos of their instrument, a flamenco guitarist, a bluegrass mandolinist and a gypsy jazz double bassist, give them freedom of action and you get a fascinating acoustic blend. Soundscapes of great class are drawn on the notes of the trio. One of the best debuts in Friuli, which has now become a […]
tofani strepitzPAOLO TOFANI & STREPITZ OPEN PROJECTPAOLO TOFANI & STREPITZ OPEN PROJECT From a chance encounter in 2010, Paolo Tofani and Giovanni Floreani developed a friendship and empathy that allowed them to go beyond the limits of superficial professional collaboration. A path that has produced concerts, performances, interdisciplinary initiatives and an album, ‘Sounds of…‘. The thread that has united the intentions […]
Il muro del canto Cassacco Folkest 2021IL MURO DEL CANTOIL MURO DEL CANTO Roman Popular Music Complex, as they like to call themselves, with a rough and intense sound, combines modernity and tradition in an authentic timeless popular voice. Their latest album, L’Amore Mio Non More, continues the search for a direct and real language, in which the strength of the Capitoline dialect, a […]
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