
Folkest 2021
anderloni palmasIL DIVINO CAMMINOIL DIVINO CAMMINO From Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy Formation: Alessandro Anderloni – narration and diction of the cantos; Mauro Palmas – cantabile lute; Alessandro Anderloni – texts and direction; Mauro Palmas – original music; Àissa Màissa, elenaledda vox – production Poetic-musical itinerary in three stages from Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy INFERN XXVI, the mad flight […]
green cloudsGREEN CLOUDSGREEN CLOUDS Chiamate le cinque fate della musica celtica, con i loro costumi fantasy e il volto celato da misteriose maschere, propongono uno spettacolo di grande effetto scenico. Oboe, violino, percussioni, basso elettrico e tastiere, uniscono le sonorità degli strumenti della tradizione con le tecnologie elettroniche, producendo effetti nuovi e suggestivi, ispirati alla musica celtica e fantasy. Chiamano […]
scorcellettI geriGIUDITTA SCORCELLETTI E MAURIZIO GERIGIUDITTA SCORCELLETTI E MAURIZIO GERI The popular song and the figure of Violeta Parra through the musical story of two of the most famous and appreciated voices of Tuscan folk music. Beautiful lyrics and unforgettable melodies that intertwine with life. Giuditta Scorcelletti is the female voice of Tuscan folk singing, interpreter of traditional songs rediscovered […]
fiore massarutto martinFIORE, MASSARUTTO, MARTINFIORE, MASSARUTTO, MARTIN The trio formed by Andrea Fiore, Gianni Massarutto and Marco Martin carries out a research on the origins of American music. In the second half of the nineteenth century, when the border between country, folk and blues was not yet well defined, everything was part of a music that was evolving through […]
fabrizio poggiFABRIZIO POGGIFABRIZIO POGGI Fabrizio Poggi, singer, harmonica player and writer, with twenty-three records made in his long career, has collaborated with many of the greats of music including Blind Boys of Alabama, Charlie Musselwhite, Little Feat, John Hammond, Garth, Guy Davis, Eric Bibb, Otis Taylor, Bob Margolin, Flaco Jiménez, David Bromberg, Zachary Richard, Jerry Jeff Walker, […]
ezio guaitamacchiEZIO GUAITAMACCHIEZIO GUAITAMACCHI Based on the latest book of the same name by Ezio Guaitamacchi, Amore, morte & rock’n’roll is an evocative multimedia show, made up of narration, sounds and visions that recounts the last hours of four legendary rock stars united by different and often little-known human and artistic liaisons. And whose endings were accompanied […]
enzo avitabileENZO AVITABILEENZO AVITABILE Italian saxophonist, composer, musician and songwriter, twice winner of the David di Donatello Award for best musician, for composing the soundtrack to the film Indivisibili, and for best original song with Abbi pietà di noi, a song from the same soundtrack; he also won two Nastri d’argento for the same music. He has […]
Ensemble Sangineto Cercivento Folkest2021ENSEMBLE SANGINETOENSEMBLE SANGINETO The Ensemble Sangineto project was born from the encounter of three musicians Adriano Sangineto, Caterina Sangineto and Jacopo Ventura, united by their passion for popular music and presents a repertoire of original compositions, characterized by an unusual combination of timbre: a rhythmic and playful harp with a Mediterranean soul; a bowed psaltery that […]
corofvg aleksander karlicCORO FVG E ALEKSANDAR SASHA KARLICCORO FVG E ALEKSANDAR SASHA KARLIC This is not the first time that the FVG Choir has pursued the search for new forms of expression. Leaving the traditional groove of classical music is the result of a continuous desire and curiosity that is peculiar to it. Projects with singer-songwriters (Cristicchi and Tosca) jazz musicians (K. […]
contrada lorìCONTRADA LORÌCONTRADA LORÌ Can you smell the aroma of this Valpolicella wine you have in your glass? – said Roberto Rizzini author, songwriter, music therapist, and co-owner of a well-known Veronese osteria to a group of friends – Well, this wine is made by a farmer, alone, at home. He is not a certified oenologist, he […]
birkin treeBIRKIN TREEBIRKIN TREE The most important Italian band of Irish music for a concert of great impact and suggestion in which they tell all the colors and atmospheres typical of Ireland. A close musical dialogue poised between virtuosity and pathos, discovering the fascinating soundscapes of Irish music: the ancient and poignant ballads and the rhythm and […]
Bevano Est Pulfero Folkest2021BEVANO ESTBEVANO EST Bevano Est is a service area on the highway, it represents the idea of non-place, a place almost out of reality, where human materials of all kinds meet and brush against each other. Bevano Est is also a musical project that pulsates since 1991 and through the use of acoustic instruments and tradition, […]
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