
Folkest 2021
alvise nodaleALVISE NODALEALVISE NODALE A young singer-songwriter from Carnia, he recorded his first solo album, Conte Flame, in 2015. Having approached the guitar as a self-taught musician, he was fascinated by popular music, coming into contact first with Lino Straulino and then with Giulio Venier. He is considered the heir to the songwriting tradition in Carnia. After […]
avtomobiliAVTOMOBILIAVTOMOBILI Important new wave band from the then Yugoslavia and then Slovenia, they were born in Nova Gorica in 1982 around the brothers Marko and Mirko Vuksanovi?. In the initial period the group’s songs were written and sung in Serbo-Croatian. During their long career, Avtomobili have released twelve record albums, one of them, Klub Klubov, […]
arconichèARCONICHÉARCONICHÉ A recently founded duo, the result of quarantines, formed by Andrea Del Favero, one of the key musicians of the rebirth of Friulian music (La sedon salvadie, Tischlbong, Moia), who divides his time between diatonic harmonics and percussion, and Fulvia Pellegrini (IndovinatoDuo, Green Waves, Tischlbong, La Luna e il Falò), a classically trained violinist […]
fda Ensemble folkestFDA ENSEMBLEFDA ENSEMBLE Different paths, but a common passion led this group of musicians to the project of A forza di essere vento…, which, starting from a precious verse of the Genovese singer-songwriter’s repertoire, becomes the title and synthesis of their own music making. The general meaning of the mentioned song, which is Khorakhanè, is contained […]
sgobino lune troublanteMATTEO SGOBINO & LUNE TROUBLANTEMATTEO SGOBINO & LUNE TROUBLANTE Quartetto di musica jazz/swing o jazz/manouche composto da musicisti provenienti da svariate realtà musicali, accomunati dalla passione musicale per lo swing francese degli anni ’40: classici della tradizione gypsy-jazz, genere musicale nato negli anni Quaranta a Parigi per mano del chitarrista zingaro Django Reinhardt e del violinista Stephane Grappelli nel […]
sara mariniSARA MARINI – TORRENDEADOMOSARA MARINI – TORRENDEADOMO   A tale of a journey between two islands: Sardinia surrounded by the sea, a sensation of infinity and total openness to the unknown, and Umbria, an island surrounded by mountains that rise up solitary, as if to protect our lives. Two different universes, two distant ancestral worlds, between the Sardinian […]
miriam forestiMIRIAM FORESTIMIRIAM FORESTI   Born in Abruzzo, raised in L’Aquila and moved to Udine a few years ago, she is a self-taught guitarist with a diploma in jazz singing. She recorded her first record in 2018, combining her love for folk, blues and jazz with pop. She has been lead vocalist in the shows Sciuscià ed […]
mattanzaMATTANZAMATTANZA Since 1976 Mattanza have been working to translate the literary culture of the Mediterranean into music, through the research and enhancement of ancient texts reworked with original sounds, in the belief that a people without history is like a tree without roots: it is destined to die. The language used is a hybrid of […]
FRAGMENTFRAGMENT Born from an idea of Ariele Cartocci, Fragment are the fragments of a puzzle that, far from being reassembled yet, leaves the field open to infinite creative combinations: a multi-faceted reinterpretation of the Irish, Scottish and Breton musical tradition; a means to explore the connections between this rich cultural heritage and the enthralling sounds […]
djelem do mar salvucci mariniDJELEM DO MAR – FABIA SALVUCCI & SARA MARINIDJELEM DO MAR – FABIA SALVUCCI & SARA MARINI Djelem o Gelem is the brainchild of Fabia Salvucci and Sara Marini. Djelem o Gelem, in Romani language, means a journey, a walk on the shores of the Mediterranean sea, in Portuguese do mar. Duetting voices and instruments interweave languages, from Romany to Yiddish, from Greek […]
ajde zoraAJDE ZORAAJDE ZORA  They come from Veneto, apart from the singer Milica Polignano, who is Serbian. Eastern winds and influences from various musical genres expand the boundaries of the Balkan gypsy tradition. Great energy and vitality, in a new dawn of enthralling vitality, where scents of the East are accompanied by flavours of the West. Formation: […]
bintarsBINTARSBINTARS – Friuli               The Bintars are the actors of a long journey that began in 1977 when Angelico Piva, an expert musician who grew up in Milan and a great lover of Jazz but also of the popular music of his land in Friuli, and Roberto Tonutti, a […]
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