Formed by Salvatore Morra & Marzouk Mejri, this duo has entered the post-revival movement of maluf
music, one of Tunisia’s most complex urban genres. The project explores the revival of maluf in migratory
contexts, its changes in nature, its new transmissions and diffusions, and promotes the transnational
musical integration and identification of some Tunisian musicians. Based on Arab-Tunisian modal scales
(such as mazmoum, rast dhil, asba’in) and blending musical instruments from various Tunisian genres
with plucked instruments from southern Italy, like the guitar, Maluf System recreates a Tunisian sound
world that ranges from the traditional ensemble (jawk) to the Bey’s Ottoman band in Tunis, gradually
expanding to various Mediterranean influences.
Salvatore Morra: oud, vocals;
Marzouk Mejri: darbuka, bendir, tar, ney, zokra.