It can be considered a historical band from Central Italy, still active, that has conducted field research, particularly in the regions of Lazio and Molise, producing a vast documentation on the traditional musical repertoire. One of the areas where the Musicanti have committed themselves is that of organology, having learned to use the musical instruments most closely linked to the agropastoral world, such as mandolin, mandola, mandocello, chitarra battente, zampogna, violin, melodeon and bufù, and the big friction drum from Molise. During Folkest 2022, they propose a show full of references, with a revised line-up of high level.
Silvio Trotta: vocals, chitarra battente, mandolin, mandocello;
Mauro Bassano: melodeon;
Alessandro Bruni: guitar;
Christian Di Fiore: zampogna, melodeon, shawm;
Marna Fumarola: violin.