Italy (Sicily)

Massimo, Vittorio and Salvatore have shared the same musical experience for over fifteen years, a true patrimony of empathy, ripened under the Sicilian sun since the experience with Tammorra. A mix of warm and natural Mediterranean tastes, spontaneous alchemy of voices, frame drums, guitars and wind instruments, all of them between original compositions and traditional repertoire. 

Through a nice musical journey, the three musicians blend the sounds of the instruments typical of Southern Italy by interpreting rhythms and songs full of tradition, such as tarantella and tammurriate.

ArtistTrinacria Trio
CountryItaly (Sicily)
Music Mediterranean Folk
ConcertJune 18th 2022 | San Rocco (Forgaria nel Friuli) – Borgo Agnola
June 19th 2022 | Tramonti di Sopra – Pic Nic Area, Via Pradis


Massimo Laguardia: percussion instruments;

Salvatore Meccio: guitar;

Vittorio Catalano: flute.