The Tse’s folk was born, in this training, in 2015. At a first historical nucleus, which has been playing together for over fifteen years, Claudio Provaroni and Gianni Petta joined, musicians already very active on the Piedmont scene. The group plays a popular, entertaining and highly danceable repertoire, predominantly Franco- Provence, with incursions into Balkan, Middle Eastern, Dutch and Arthurian music. Guided by the ears – say the members of the group – we play what we like to listen, without setting limits to our explorations. We play dance and listening music with original arrangements and some pieces of folk fashion composition .
Training: Laura Sartore – voice; Giovanna Garzena – faluti, voice; Claudio Provaroni – acustic guitar; Gianni Petta – bass, cajon, ercussioni; Ivan Ravalli – organ.