The Zampognorchestra rocks! And it plays jazz, classic, blues and… the Rolling Stones together with the Beatles! Forget about the stereotypes concerning pipers of the middle part of Italy that softly play “Tu scendi dalle stelle” and try to imagine four brave musicians, who use their bagpipes as a weapon, rocking “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones or “With a little help from my friends” by the Beatles.
This band is an outstanding and original experiment led by Giuseppe Spedino Moffa, Massimiliano Mezzadonna, Aldo Iezza and Antonello di Matteo who achieved their goal by adapting a traditional instrument to a gutwrenching orchestra.
Members: Giuseppe Moffa –bass bagpipe; Christian Di Fiore – bagpipe; Antonello Di Matteo – bagpipe and “ciaramella”(a popular oboe); Pasquale Franciosa – “ciaramella”.