On Sunday 1st of July Folkest is moving to Romans d’Isonzo (Casa Candussi – Pasiani) with Pyrates again preceded by Cristiana Verardo, young guitaris and song writer.
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Place: Romans, d’Isonzo, Casa Candussi-Pasiani [How to get there]
In case of bad weather the concert will be held in the Auditorium “E. Galupin”, piazza Candussi
Date: 01/07/2018
Artist: Cristiana Verardo
Country: Italy
Artist: Pyrates
Country: UK, Holland
Time: 9.15 PM
Entrance: Free
is a commune in the eastern province of Gorizia in Friuli, located near the confluence of three rivers: Versa, Judrio and Torre. Its territory includes the hamlets of Versa and Fratta too. The first evidence of existing settlements in the area regard a particular kind of pre-historic fortification called “castelliere”. Traces of roman rural settlements have been found, but the most important historical presence in the area was longobard, as indicated by one of the biggest longobard necropoleis in northern Italy. The Civico Museo Archeologico (archeologic civic museum) in Romans and the Parco Didattico Archeologico (acheologic didactic park) about the necropolis can be visited. In May a reenactement event (Romans langobardorum) takes place in Romans. Also notable are the Fiera di Santa Elisabetta (Saint Elizabeth’s Fair) and the Sagre dal Dindiat, a fair where people compete about the weight of their giant turkeys. The Carnival in Romans is worth noting too, since it comprises a parade with carnival floats and masquerades.