More than 10 concerts between 27th june and sunday 1st july

Gettin to the heart of the Fortieth edition of Folkest that untill 9th July brings togheter artists from every parts of the world.

Continue the fortieth edition of Folkest that once again brings together artists came from all over the world that is move from municipality to municipality in a succession of musical tradition came from, Italy, England, Scotland, Belarus, Ireland, Australia, Netherland, Sweden.
Folkest festival is on wednesday 27  june in Pescincanna (Fiume Veneto) with two exibition: AlterMIX Quartet and the duo Russell Joslin & Sarah McCaig.
Formed in 2015 between Udine and “Carnia” the group trained by Noela Ontani (flute), Andrea Zampieri (clarinet), Federico Pace (percussions) e Giovanni Grisan (guitar) has made the eclectic his trademark, with genres ranging from pop to rock, from baroque to traditional music.
To enhance the evening the wonderful vocal harmonies of the singer-songwriter and folk guitarist of North East England Russell Joslin, who grew up in Wiltshire but soon moved to London, and the Australian singer Sarah McCaig: the duo is considered one of the most interesting groups in London area.

Three appointments are expected for Thursday 28: Pinzano al Tagliamento, at 9.15 pm, again the duo Russell Joslin & Sarah McCaig, this time joined by the Italian group Capitano tutte a noi, training born in 2013 in Pordenone within a project of Itaca social cooperative, and currently trained by nine members. For this group music becomes not only a vehicle for artistic expression, but also a tool for personal growth.

Always Thursday 28 in Cassacco, Parco Europa (21.15 p.m) two scottish band will exhibit: the  Ashcroft, trained by Euan e Lewis McLaughlin, one of the most most interesting formations on the new Scottish music scene and the duo Stewart Hardy & Frank McLaughlin affirmed internationally and that propose a music that sinks in the traditional expressions of Northumbria and Scotland: at Folkest present their new album “The Gift”.

Also Thursday 28, in Porcia – Villa Correr Dolfin, a night dedicated to italian artists, Franco Presti, which have started his path with acustic guitar  then join the electric and semi-acoustic, approaching different genres, from folk, to rock up to jazz music and the group etnic-popular Taranterrae, trained by twelve components that proposes a repertoire linked to the tradition of popular folk songs with archaic voices, rich in glissati and modal ambiguities.
Among the styles that the group presents are the Villanella, the dance ‘ncoppe’ ‘or tammurro, the Tarantella, the Fronna, the Moresca, the Ballarella.

There are also three Municipalities touched by Folkest on Friday 29th June, with concerts all scheduled at 9.15 p.m. In Aquileia there is still space to Scotland for the Ashcroft, and the duo Stewart Hardy & Frank McLaughlin, while in Pozzo (San Giorgio della Richinvelda) in Piazza San Urbano two Italian groups will perform, the Fran & The Groovies which propose an acoustic Folk-Pop style in English, and the “Allegra gente“, a group that has its roots in the most authentic Italian tradition, with particular attention to songwriting contaminated with sounds and rhythms of South America, as if to seek continuity between tarantellas and samba. Finally, in Sauris, Friday 29th June is again the unmistakable style of vocalism by the duo Russell Joslin & Sarah McCaig.

Between Saturday 30 and Sunday 1 July, the events of Folkest will touch Fiumicello, Flaibano, Romans d’Isonzo and Costa di Castelnovo del Friuli with artists from Italy, Scotland, Holland, and England.