It is located in a position that makes it geographically particular: in fact, although it is part of Western Friuli, located beyond the Tagliamento, it has always remained in the former Province of Udine, moving to that of Pordenone for only one year.
Among the monuments of interest is the Church of San Lorenzo Martire, built in the 18th century in place of the ancient medieval parish church and completely renovated after the 1976 Friuli earthquake.
From a naturalistic point of view, the Mount Prat Plateau stands out, reachable from Forgaria (the route from Avasinis and Peonis is not recommended), a natural basin, and the Cornino Lake Nature Reserve, a lake supplied by underground springs, with crystal clear water, where very particular flora lives. At Christmas, an underwater nativity scene is organized by the A.S.D. Friulana Subacquei of Udine. Here, the Griffon Project, a well-established project to reintegrate the griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), often called “The Condor of Curnin,” is implemented.